Recent research found acupuncture to be 90% effective in improving total sleep duration and sleep quality for patients with depression. Helping with insomnia led to direct improvements in the mental and physical health of the participants. Acupuncture treatments lowered relapse rates and produced similar results as antidepressants but with no side affects!
Acupuncture found effective for treating tinnitus... →
Recent research from China has proved electro acupuncture to be 89.6% effective for the alleviation of tinnitus. This is very significant given the chronic and debilitating nature of tinnitus and the limited treatment options available!
Three of my favourite points!
Here are three of my favourite points with instruction on how to use them to give yourself an acupressure massage at home. I use these points constantly in clinic and find them super effective!
Ear Seeds
Have you heard of ear seeds? Sounds really weird but they work amazingly! I've been using them a lot recently to great effect. They are very tiny seeds (or sometime tiny metal ball bearings) on a little piece of tape placed over acupuncture points in the ear. They stimulate the point staying on for a week or sometimes more. I've found them to be really effective especially for stress, anxiety and addiction and mean the points can be stimulated between treatments. If you'd like to try them for yourself get in touch for a free trial!