
Reflexology is an ancient therapy based on the principle that there are points in the feet and hands that correspond to every feature, gland and organ of the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and promotes the natural function of the related body area. It has proven highly successful over time to relieve symptoms or ease pain or discomfort, that have manifested themselves physically in the body either as a result of stress trauma or disease.

“Myself and my husband have enjoyed Lisa’s expertise in her healing craft of Reflexology.  She has a beautiful healing presence which encourages us to find this within ourselves. Her great knowledge of other aspects of wholistic arts adds to an experience of true and tender professionalism. She is remarkable!”  Chris and Carol, Aylsham.

Since Reflexology treats the whole person, not just the disease, most people benefit from a treatment. It is extremely relaxing and suitable for all. A wide range of conditions respond extremely well, these include:

  • Chronic conditions

  • Sleep disorders

  • Stress related conditions

  • Digestive problems

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Hormonal imbalance/infertility

  • Hypertension

What Happens When You Go For A Treatment?

Your first reflexology appointment will last approximately an hour (sometimes longer) and involves talking in detail about the nature of your main issue, any other issues and your general health.

You will remove your shoes and socks and lie on a comfortable treatment couch in a relaxing, peaceful room. Lisa will massage and apply gentle pressure to different points on your feet and ankles whilst you relax. As she works on your feet, she will note any problem areas; there may be some discomfort in some places but it is fleeting and is an indication of congestion or imbalance in a corresponding part of the body. For the most part the sensation is very pleasant, soothing and relaxing.

Usually a treatment lasts around 1 hour. The course of treatment varies depending on your body’s needs.

After your treatment, Lisa will explain to you any particular health issues she has observed, and make recommendations for you to help support your health and well-being. It’s best to take it easy for a couple of hours after a treatment if possible.

Subsequent treatments will last for an hour. Lisa will check how you’ve been feeling since your last appointment, any changes in your symptoms and gauge your progress. You can have as many or as few treatments as you wish.

About Lisa Fincham

As a trained NHS nurse, Lisa’s unique skill base enables her to integrate the latest in Western medical knowledge with the ancient healing traditions of the East.

After suffering from many chronic health problems including M.E / CFS, gynaecolological issues and IBS, Lisa became very interested in complementary medicine and used many different therapies in her search for good health.

During 20 years of both private and NHS practice, Lisa has supported many patients to overcome a wide range of health problems, such as IBS, headaches, migraines, fatigue, stress, weight problems, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions, M.E / C.F.S, infertility, depression and digestive disorders. She also has a large client base of long-term patients who visit her periodically to monitor and maintain their health and vitality.

Safety And Quality Standards

Lisa has full professional indemnity and public liability insurance. She is a registered member of the British FHT, Which requires its members to follow an ethical code of practice and to undertake continuing professional development.

To make an appointment with Lisa for reflexology, nutrition or food intolerance testing please email com or call 07760 486038